CETA - 7. Sustainable development, environment and work

CETA encourages companies to take responsibility and respect certain social objectives,
economic and environmental such as worker protection and development
natural resources sustainably for the environment. The policies of
protection cannot be waived for the sole purpose of attracting investment.

Canada and the EU will both ensure that these objectives are met and commit to
sanction or remedy violations of the laws adopted relating thereto.

The objective is to develop activities opening the market responsibly and to
so as to promote coordination between trade, social and

1. Trade and sustainable development

The parties agree to:

  1. Encourage companies to adopt practices that promote economic, social and environmental objectives;
  2. Establish standards and objectives for ecological performance and for the recognition of eco-labeling;
  3. Analyze, monitor and monitor the impact that the implementation of the Agreement on Sustainable Development may have. CETA also contains provisions on fair trade in fish and forest products.

2. Trade and the environment

The Parties undertake to maintain a high level of environmental protection and to effectively implement their national environmental laws. CETA provides a broad definition of environmental law, covering all laws aimed at protecting the environment.

3. Trade and work

Canada and the EU are committed to ensuring that their national labor laws and policies comply with the 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Labor Principles and Rights of the International Labor Organization. The Agreement also contains a non-derogation clause, requiring that the Parties may neither weaken their social rights nor lower their labor standards in order to facilitate trade and investment.

For all complaints relating to one of these subjects, a dispute resolution mechanism will be available.

© Weissberg & Weissberg 2015

All articles on CETA

All articles on CETA
1. Elimination of agricultural tariffs
2. Elimination of industrial tariffs
3. Services and labor mobility
4. Investment protection
5. Public procurement
CETA - 7. Sustainable development, environment and work
CETA - 7. Sustainable development, environment and work
CETA - 8. Dispute resolution and monitoring

(Click on the titles to access the related articles)