Commercial law, international contracts

Commercial law, international contracts

(Commercial law international contracts)

Nous intervenons auprès de nos clients sur l’ensemble des problématiques précontentieuses et contentieuses liées aux contrats, particulièrement internationaux, qu’ils désirent élaborer ou auxquels ils sont confrontés.
✓ Pre-litigation phase
– Conseil sur la stratégie commerciale et l’applicabilité d’accords de libre échange commerciaux
– Audit, conseil, négociation et rédaction de contrats commerciaux (contrat d’achat ou de vente de matériel, contrat de prestation de service, contrat de partenariat, contrat d’approvisionnement, conditions générales de ventes, vente de fonds de commerce etc.)
- Audit, advice, negotiation and drafting of commercial leases and lease assignment
- Advice on intellectual property law issues
- Audit of issues related to contractual and tort liability
✓ Litigation phase
✓ Support during amicable settlement and arbitration proceedings
- Management of disputes before state courts
– Procédures de reconnaissance et d’exécution de jugements étrangers


See all our articles on commercial law and international contracts


Presentation of the new international chambers of the Paris commercial court and the Paris court of appeal: a good alternative to arbitration? (In)

New jurisdiction clause in your international contracts: how to improve the quality and reduce the costs of your procedures? (Fr)

The protection of business secrets of French companies against American discovery procedures (Fr)

CETA - 5. Public procurement (Fr)

CETA - 5. Government productment (En)

CETA - 2. Industrial tariff elimination (Fr)

CETA - 2. Industrial Tariff elimination (En)

CETA - 1. Elimination of agricultural and food customs duties (Fr)

CETA - 1. Agricultural and food product tariff elimination (En)

A guide to exporting to Europe (En)

Documentary credit law in China (Fr)

The public procurement regime in China (Fr)

Should we choose European society? (Fr)

A guide for business in Cameroon (En)

Cameroon investment codes (Fr)