Investments and Establishing business in France or abroad
Investments and Establishing business in France or abroad
(Investing France and abroad)
We assist our client entrepreneurs, companies and startups wishing to carry out investment and installation projects in France or abroad.
In addition, we suggest that you examine the possible legal structures, as well as all the legal and tax issues related to your projects in order to offer you the most efficient solutions.
Finally, we also make sure of you:
- Support in the procedures necessary for your installation
- Advise on all mobility issues related to your installation
- Represent in all investment protocol negotiations
- Assist in the development of your financing operations (ex: credit operations etc.)
- Support in carrying out investment operations (eg creation of investment funds, restructuring, etc.)
- Defend in the event of litigation or in the context of investment arbitrations.
See all our articles on investments and setting up companies in France or abroad
Should we choose European society? (Fr)
A guide for business in Cameroon (En)
Legal aspects of setting up French companies abroad: the example of the United States (Fr)
CETA - 4. Investment protection (En)
CETA - 4. Investment protection (Fr)
Cameroon investment codes (Fr)
How to better succeed in your negotiations with your foreign partners? (Fr)Investing in the United States: Florida's tax advantages (Fr)
The incorporation of a company in Florida (Fr)
Documentary credit law in China (Fr)
The public procurement regime in China (Fr)
The French in the United States and the problem of double taxation (Fr)