CETA - 7. Sustainable development, environment and labor (En)
CETA incites companies to act responsibly and respect certain social, economic and environmental goals such as the protection of workers and the development of natural resources in an environmentally sustainable manner. Such protective policies may not be departed from only to attract investments.
Canada and the EU will therefore both review and monitor the achievement of these goals, as well as commit to sanction or remedy the violations of related implemented laws.
The objective is to develop trade liberalizing activities in a responsible manner and enhance coordination between trade and labor / environment policies.
1. Trade and Sustainable Development
The Parties commit to:
- Encourages businesses to adopt practices that promote economic, social and environmental objectives;
- Setting environmental-performance standards and goals and recognizing benefits of eco-labeling;
- Assessing, monitoring and reviewing the impacts that implementation of the Agreement may have on sustainable development. CETA also provides provisions on sustainable trade in forest and fisheries product.
2. Trade and Environment
The Parties commit to maintain high levels of environmental protection and effectively enforce domestic environmental laws. CETA provides a broad definition of environmental law, encompassing all laws that have as their purpose the protection of the environment.
3. Trade and Labor
Canada and the EU commit to ensuring that their national labor laws and policies respect the International Labor Organization's 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The Agreement also includes a non-derogation clause, meaning that the Parties may neither weaken their labor laws, nor lower their labor standards, in order to facilitate trade and investments.
For all claims related any one of these topics, a dispute resolution mechanism shall be available.