Kenneth Weissberg
3 rue de Monttessuy 75007 PARISWebsite:
Kenneth M. WEISSBERG, born in Paris, is a dual citizen of France and of the United States. He was called to the Bar of Paris in 1979, and has practiced ever since as an Attorney, especialy in International Business Law.
Mr. WEISSBERG began his practice as an Associate Attorney with the reputed Paris law firm GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL, in the Department of Foreign Investments in France, Corporations and Bankruptcies. Responsible for Canadian investments in France and litigation for North American companies in France, Maître Weissberg led the firm's international development policy for nine years, first in the United States with the opening of an office in New York, working mainly on insurance company litigation, then in Europe with the creation of organic links and the installation in his own premises in Paris of a firm of Solicitors, known in the reinsurance field.
In 1991, Mr. WEISSBERG started a professional corporation geared towards a European and a North American clientele. Mr. WEISSBERG has applied all his efforts to the international development of the firm, which has today offices in Paris, Miami, Beyrouth, as well as a world wide network of correspondant and covers the full spectrum of legal services available in the international field.
Mr. WEISSBERG holds a “Maîtrise de Droit Privé” of the University of Nice (France) and a Master of International Law of New York University. He is admitted to the Bar of New York as a Legal Consultant since 1986, and to the Bar of Florida since 2000 as a Foreign Legal Consultant.
From 1998 to 2013, Maître Weissberg was French Foreign Trade Advisor. He was appointed Counselor to the National Board of Foreign Trade by the French Government (Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France) from 1998 until 2013.
Mr. WEISSBERG has assisted French companies in their outbound activities: namely, Crédit Agricole, Crédit Chimique, (banks), CFCE (French Government), Daher (logistics), GIAT (military equipment) Héli-Union (aviation), Renault (automobile), Sollac (steel).
Il possède une grande expérience dans le contentieux international et l’arbitrage, dans le domaine du droit aérien, des risques industriels, des acquisitions de sociétés et de faillites internationales ainsi que dans les procédures du droit des affaires.
During his career, he has advised and defended the following companies in their international affairs: Air Canada, Cameroon Airlines, Air Affaire Afrique, Héli-Union, Commodore aviation (aviation), Diamond Shamrock Alberta Gas Company (PVC) and Plastics), Bombardier, Conair, (aircraft manufacturer), Cascades (pulp), CIBC, Crédit Agricole, Crédit Chimique, Nordeustche Landesbank, Anker Bank, (banks), Echo Bay Gold Mine (initial public offering), Garrett Corporation (airplane and car engine parts), General Electric USA, Gund (toys), King Grain (seeds), Milchem (mining equipment), Slush Puppie Corporation (drinks), US Filter (filtering and supply of water), Poleko Group Indonesia (furniture industry), Dumez, Entreprise Byron Exarcos (public works), Sweetmart Group Hong Kong (textile industry), GEM Lunetteries (optical industry), Supercart International South Africa (plastic industry), Thöni (manufacturer Austrian p lines industrial production), CFME (French Center for Events Abroad), Daher (logistics and transport), Sollac (steel), Laboratoires Valda (pharmaceutical industry), Franréa (aeronautical insurance), Andrault Parat (architectural firm) and Subway (restaurant franchises).
Admitted to practice
✓ Paris
✓ New-York (Foreign Legal Consultant)
✓ Miami (Foreign Legal Consultant)
✓ French
✓ English